Main fields of activity

  • Commercial and corporate law
  • Real estate law / commercial tenancy law
  • Commercial law advice for municipalities and municipal commercial enterprises
  • Local constitutional law and municipal financial compensation
  • Compliance in public administration
  • Art law


1990-1996Universities of Bonn, Innsbruck, Münster
1996-1999Doctorate as Dr. iur.
1996-1998Assistant at the Institute for Municipal Science at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (Prof. Dr. Janbernd Oebbecke) 
1998-2000Legal traineeship in Düsseldorf
2000-2001Lawyer at Grooterhorst Rechtsanwälte (today: Eversheds Sutherland), Düsseldorf
since 2001Lawyer at Dr. Ganteführer, Marquardt & Partner
since 2003Partner at Dr. Ganteführer, Marquardt & Partner


  • Local authorities and municipal commercial enterprises
  • Real estate
  • Steel industry
  • Fitness and leisure
  • Arts and culture


  • Sachkundige Bürger und Einwohner in gemeindlichen Ausschüssen (Participation of citizens and residents having expertise in municipal committees), 2000
  • Kunst: Recht & Steuern, Schwerpunktthemen für den Kunstsammler (Art: Law & Taxes, main topics for the art collector), AXA Art Kunstreihe 2006 (with Felix Ganteführer)
  • “Die Zuweisung von Kommunalbeamten an kommunale Gesellschaften – Beamtenbesoldung versus arbeitsvertragliche Vergütung” (“The allocation of municipal civil servants to municipal companies – civil servant pay versus contractual remuneration”), DVBl. 2015, p. 1023


  • Difu Prize 2000 (Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik) for outstanding work in the field of municipal sciences

GANTEFÜHRER Wirtschaftsprüfer, Steuerberater, Anwälte